Mr. Mercedes (2017–2019)
Mostly gripping suspenseful drama
14 May 2022
I've read only a few King books, and seen only a few films, mostly from the 90s or so. Therefore, when I watch it's just based on what you see, not anything about comparing to the novels. I'd seen the advert for the series before, but I rediscovered it when looking for a similar series after watching "Hannibal".

Well, it's not "Hannibal" and nothing can be, but for the most part I found it engrossing, definitely a series that made me want to keep going forward to see what might or inevitably happen. Brendan Gleeson is a favorite actor, so that might it even more a go, and as others have said, I was glad there wasn't the ludicrous idea to have him affect an "American" accent that many productions do.

Gleeson is believable completely as Bill Hodges, a understandably burnout detective forced into retirement after a horrific event he was investigating. Even after that, he cannot stop trying to find the identity of the elusive killer who caused so much loss of life... and seems to have restarted after a pause.

Deep, dark themes and realities of all kinds, de rigeur for King's works, and despite the occasional exasperation of why a character does something obviously inflammatory, the series is gripping. Several great twists and turns, some of which you have to suspend disbelief since this isn't also really billed as fantasy, it's an exciting series to watch that has a little of everything. I would have rated it higher, yet the final season, the series finale was simply too ambiguous.
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