16 April 2022
Kristofferson and Streisand, what a great pairing.

I particularly love this version of A Star is Born over all the others because it's SO believable. The chemistry between them and the respect is so clear to see. Just perfect casting. Throughout the film.

I think Kris's admiration for Barbra's talent is so clear to see. Especially as he watches her sing Evergreen.

On my DVD, there's extras. A scene where Esther plays the song 'Evergreen' on her guitar for John Norman without the lyrics. She hums - well dooodo's. (Watch and see. Buy the DVD) His response it lovely.

We all know Streisand can act, sing, out- perform everyone she's around. The woman is a phenomenon. But it was Kris' performance that really surprised and stood out to me. Such a natural actor. I felt everything from him. I felt his excitement for the beginning of her career. Seeing her talent gave him such joy. At the same time mourning the death of his own career. What an emotional roller coaster. WONDERFUL!

Her love for him was so touching. But you just knew it wouldn't last, couldn't last. It was too powerful. It was either gonna burn out or be snatched away. Boy what a film!

I hadn't seen Kris in anything else when I first saw this back in the mid 80's. He was a real standout. There's such a deep respect from both performers for one another. Watch it!

Highly recommend.

BTW - The backing singers were amazing. And the BAND!

Great Director too! Oh, I could go on.
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