Human Resources (2022–2023)
Dead on arrival
26 March 2022
Gave up on big mouth after season 3, first two seasons blended comedy and relatable situations pretty well and was actually a good show but after a while the concept got stale and it stopped being "educational" and got too preachy/political, what started out an actually smart well written show presented as a dumb comedy stopped being smart and just got dumb. Thought I'd give this show a go because the two best characters from big mouth (Maury and Connie) were both in this and maybe could be a fresh start/new concept.

Think I laughed once through out all ten episodes, felt like the whole time I was waiting for it to pick up or even just get funny. What made big mouth funny/interesting was watching how peoples emotion monsters reacted to situations and convinced characters on how to respond which usually resulted in some stupid or funny shit. Taking that element away almost entirely and basing the whole show on just the monsters kinda removes the point of the show, yeah they included that element with the married couple and did some semi interesting stuff with that and some others but that was mostly based on the love bug character working out how to do her job and not actually the human characters.

It feels disconnected and now the only thing that's left is the crude humour which can be entertaining at times but the reason it was entertaining in big mouth was because crude stuff was usually a result of the monsters affecting the characters but now you're just watching the monsters so you kinda know what to expect. Episode 9 with the grief monster was decent but the rest just started boring me after a while because I didn't even really care about any of the characters.

2/10, big mouth i think has taken a nose dive and i reckon this show is evidence that they're running out of ideas. Big mouth was a great concept for a show initially but think they need to call it a day now.
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