Miss Marple on steroids in the Adriatic
19 March 2022
Leighton Meester and Christiana Woolfe play best friends Beth and Kate, meeting up for a dreamy catchup weekend away in Split, Croatia.

We assume their lifelong friendship, but they are at different stages in their lives. Beth is the settled down with new baby yummy mummy whilst Kate is the just divorced spoilt rich girl out on the lash.

The film opens with a taxi ride from the airport, where Beth meets driver Zain, a Syrian refugee, played by Zaid Bakri. Bakri steals all the scenes he is in. He teams up with Beth in the ensuing mystery, and I can't help seeing that Meester's acting goes up a notch or two when they are together.

Anyway, back to the plot. After a hedonistic night on the town, Kate vanishes. Beth has only the haziest recollection of the night before, and no-one seems to be any help.

As this is a female led mystery, we aren't treated to chaotic car chases, brawling brutes with flying furniture, or even gun toting machismo. Instead we have the emotions of bewilderment, anger, frustration, and fear. There are quite a few scream, although none of them Wilhelm.

As per mystery stories there are twists and turns, red herrings a plenty, plodding police making silly assumptions, and invitations to suspect everyone. Some of the characters are downright creepy so that's not hard to do.

Stick with it, because there is a sting in the tail, although telegraphed earlier on. I'll make no spoilers, watch this attractive film with a beautiful backdrop. Remember, trust no-one, and believe your heart; you never know who's listening.
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