The Street (2019)
A haunting film that lets the subjects speak for themselves
6 March 2022
Some reviewers on here seem to think the film is a celebration of xenophobia or a pro-EU propoganda piece. These people have missed the point. It is not even entirely about condemning the property developers and new businesses that are changing the street that older residents have known and loved for many years. It is about the impact of often bewildering change and how it impacts the people who have to live with the consequences. They speak in their own words which may be a bit racist or non-PC in other ways, but the tone remains authentic. It is not scripted or polished and is all the better for it. Many of the stories being told are almost heartbreaking as they unfold on camera (Colleen and Serge's are especially poignant).

The photography is almost elegiac in tone focusing on what is disappearing even as the film is made. The constant contrast between the height of the new builds and their penthouse 'king of the world' vistas versus the sadness and humanity at street level is beautifully captured. A lovely and sad film.
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