Star Trek: Discovery: The Galactic Barrier (2022)
Season 4, Episode 10
An Episode of Grey's Anatomy in Space
26 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Between the relationship drama and the pointless techno babel, I forgot that this was supposed to be a Star Trek show. The super crew is slated to safe the day again. The president throws out some nonsense that she was the Federation's top negotiator for 20 years, but when Discovery arrived in the future, most people assumed that the Federation was no more. Who was she negotiating with? The amount of plot holes and plot devices that they throw into this show are insane. This show would have much higher ratings if they stopped calling it Star Trek and just called it some other generic space show name.

Also, this show makes space seem small. There is no concept of scale anymore since they can jump anywhere at anytime, but still delegates can show up late for a meeting. Just weird.
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