The intoxicating Power of 'the Power of...'
16 February 2022
Damn. Power of the Dog. Funny enough, the most recent, comparable 'Oscar Flick' that comes to my mind is Todd Phillips's 'Joker' (a movie that I love tbh)

I see POTD as Jane Campion's dialogue with the likes of 'Joker', 'Taxi Driver', ''There Will Be Blood' etc. Campion's entry in to the 'Toxic Masculinity' Genre (if you will, haha)...

As well as ... Toxic family ties, toxic repression; toxic Americana... all explored.

Subversive. Dark. Twisty. Witty. I'm enthralled with this damn movie. Least 'Oscar bait', Oscar movie to come in a long time. 10 stars.
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