Review of Dexter

Dexter (2006–2013)
Quite Decent Series Finale
5 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After reading some god awful user reviews here I braced myself for the worst series finale. Turned out that it wasn't even one fifth as bad as people make it out to be. What did these people expect? A happy ending? The ending was more along the lines of "Breaking Bad", which this show certainly influenced. It certainly isn't as cringe worthy a "Lost's" finale or even the mighty "Game Of Thrones". Sure, it didn't have the "grandeur" of a series finale, I'll give the unfaithful that, but it leaves the door open for a ninth season (which we all know turned out to be "Dexter New Blood"). And yes, there were some loose ends; for example, the show heavily hinted that Harry Morgan might've been Dexter's TRUE father, yet the plot was dropped and never again picked up. Maybe Harry had an affair with Laura Moser and Dexter was their offspring. That would've explained why Harry saved Dexter and not Bryan Moser.

Another thing that didn't seem quite right was Dexter's inability to cover his face. Since their victims were going to die anyway, there was no need for him to cover his face, but what about security cameras? That was pretty careless of him.

And Hannah McKay: if police is looking for you, wouldn't it be wise to dye your hair differently and cut it short?

Minor complaints apart, "Dexter"'was one hell of a ride and it was a real feat for me to remain spoiler free for almost 9 years.

A highly recommended show!
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