Gunsmoke: Gun for Chester (1957)
Season 3, Episode 2
Chester's Fury
7 January 2022
A stranger rides into Moss Grimmack's livery stable and asks Moss to board his horse. Chester Goode happens to be in the stable. Chester hides in fear and as soon as he can, retreats to the U. S. Marshal's office and begins loading a shotgun. When Matt Dillon comes in and finds Chester, he starts asking questions.

Chester eventually reveals the man in the stable is named Asa Ledbetter. Chester is convinced Ledbetter intends to kill him. There is no evidence Ledbetter intends any harm to Chester, but Chester never waivers in his assertion. Matt, Doc Adams, and Kitty Russell are all understandably skeptical of Chester's claims.

Matt questions Ledbetter, but the man insists he has never heard of anyone named Chester Goode.

When Chester is wounded during an incident in the town, he is sure Ledbetter is responsible. Still, Chester's friends remain skeptical.

Actor Thomas Coley makes the first of two appearances in the Gunsmoke series in this story. Coley portrays Asa Ledbetter. Coley was better known as a stage actor and writer. He was gay, and actor William Roerick was his longtime partner. Coley is excellent in the Asa Ledbetter role.

Dennis Weaver was probably the most talented Gunsmoke regular cast member. It is nice to see him in a role that allows him to show so much range.

While this story provides a small look into Chester's mysterious past before arriving in Dodge City, it provides few details. Unfortunately, the viewer never even learns much about the circumstances that lead to the story's conclusion.
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