Red Dead Redemption II (2018 Video Game)
Best western experience youll ever have
5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After Rockstars streak of (atleast) good yearly releases, they took a break. An unusually long one for them and then came the announcement of RDR2. Finally in 2018 the wait came into an end. The important question, was it worth it?

F yeah it was.

Story - Story is awesome, has nice gradation and then fall. Probably the weakest part of it was at Guarma, with real bad pacing and feels disconnecting. It has nice twist snd still subconcious feeling of uncertainity of trust in the gang. The voice acting is top notch and the OG voice cast returns.

Gameplay - On the outside it migh look like just enhanced RDR. Thats not true at all. Its much more, it makes everything better in every possible way. Physics, shooting, guns, activities etc. The first games world has really reminded me of GTA and I get why ppl called it a GTA with horses. It wasnt whole truth, but partially it was accurate. This game however feels so fresh and new. It explores uncharted teritorries of videogames and does it with pride. The best new addition is probably the system of talkin to someone, by lockin to someone without a gun you can finally talk to them, you can greet them, disrespect them or rob them. This is so awesome i cant even describe how much would other games benefit from it. When you ride for instance on some heist, you can choose to stay silent or you can ask questions to your comrades. It opens up whole new branch of exploration in videogames. Now when someone wants the story he chooses to chat and when someone wants to grasp the atmosphere in he can stay silent and enjoy the subtle soundtrack, while looking into the sunset. In GTA games (especially fifth one) the only fun missions are heists, here its fortunately not the case, almost every mission has such diversity in them mainly is fun. Normally when you have a cutscene in a videogame or a scene in a movie it should do one of these three things: either move the plot, help us understand the characters or entertain. And the game totally delivers.

Ive never been into westerns and wild west, but this might be my favourite wester product ever.

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