Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (2007 Video Game)
A rough start to one of the greatest series ever made
5 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A game that started the most succesful serie of games from Naughty dog, selling more copies than whole Crash Bandicoot series, yes Uncharted.

This game isnt perfect in any means, but did it save PS3 from being 600 dollar blu-ray player?

Story - Story had pretty good idea, which surprisingly noone thought about before, (newtime Indiana Jones hunting for nazi treasure in the middle of a jungle). This game was one of the first pieces of interactive media, that rly felt like a Hollywood movie rarther than a game. Awesome jokes, twists and sympatic characters just lined that atmosphere. Now I wanna mention the biggest mistake and that is "killing off" most sympatic character in the first 30 minutes of game, Sully. Sully was such a well written and performed character, he is also funny, respected and all of it while having a southern accent and big cigar in his mouth all the time. Atleast Nolan North as Nathan Drake saves it with his lovely voice and dumb jokes, until Sully gets back. What really frustrated me was the character of Elena, beign more annoying than helpful, but as the game progresses and Nathan falls in love with her, they make her less annoying guiding you to actually like the character from hating it.

Gameplay - I have to get props to this remaster, for fixing everything wrong in the first game: weird cover system, aiming at nothing when you pull out a gun and jump glitches, this is all gone with this remaster. Thanks to this encounters with enemies are fun and challenge at the same time. Well until like 60% of the game, where it turns into standard zombie shooter. Zombie enemies are hard as hell to kill + they have insane amounts of health and the most frustrating thing is, that their melee attacks (game encourages you to dodge them) are almost undodgeable, making me absolutely not wanting to play this game on crushing or brutal difficulty setting.

Well it could've been more, but it is what it is.

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