A unique experience in an age of remakes and wokeness
21 October 2021
Wow, I haven't been this impressed by a movie for a long time.

This movie won't be for everyone because of the slow pacing but, if you're the type of person who enjoyings soaking in atmosphere, emotion, and nuance, then this is a the movie for you.

Judging by some of the reviews, it seems that in the 21st century people can only dial in to fast-paced actions scenes, shaky cameras, and quick edits, but Dune is a real character and world-building experience that almost makes you feel like you're there in the desert, and it's a welcome reminder that Hollywood isn't quite dead yet.

Truly amazing.sound score and great acting.

I really enjoyed the Children of Dune TV series when I was younger but this movie truly does the book justice. Can't wait for part 2!
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