Gets worse as it goes along
16 October 2021
The movie started out OK. The sexist male stereotyping was as subtle as a sledgehammer, but I thought...ok...back in WWII most men probably behaved that way, so I was giving it a pass.

I was even able to overlook the highly improbable prospect of a lightly-built, multi-skilled female, who knows how to fly planes, operate machine guns, modify electrical systems, and kick ass using martial arts. After all, we easily suspend our disbelief when The Rock, Arnie, and Stallone play indestructible warriors (not to mention Tom Cruise).

However, as the movie went along, suspension of disbelief became more and more impossible.

The spider-walking upside down on the outside of a plane mid-flight; the contents of a mysterious box that managed to remain a mystery for more than five minutes; the final fight scene between our hero and a gremlin. It was enough to make me puke.
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