The most chaos in a Halloween movie ever...
16 October 2021
This is something totally different than every other Halloween movie. In a good way.

We've had ten prior entries (if you don't count part III of course) with Michael. By and large, they have all been pretty paint by numbers. Michael grabs butcher knife, people run... hack...slash... slow walk stalk... repeat. I'm a total fan of this series. I've seen every movie more times than I can count...

I wasn't "blown away" by the 2018 entry. I adore seeing Jamie Lee Curtis come back and do the movies the justice they deserve. Don't get me wrong... 2018 was competent and totally decent... I just wasn't knocked over by it.

This movie however... is an animal unto itself. I wasn't expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. There's a dark, and gritty realism to these chapters that somehow give it a brand new flavor. If the last version was a hot sauce... this would be its hardcore, older, ghost pepper flavored cousin.

It was gory, chaotic, and relentless. There were some side story arcs I totally wasn't expecting. I honestly can't wait to watch it again and completely digest what I just saw.

David Gordon Green didn't completely reinvent the wheel, but he certainly added his unique mark to it. Kudos! Great entry and I will totally pre-purchase my ticket for the next one.
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