Naked Hippies Wrapped In Plastic...
29 September 2021
SAVAGE MAN SAVAGE BEAST is yet another mondo death porn film from the "golden age" of such films. Once again, a narrator drones on as animals are killed in various ways in various parts of the world.

A monkey is crushed by a python. Aborigines hunt kangaroos with spears and boomerangs. Natives kill elephants and water buffalo. A British foxhunt is shown. Indeed, animals of all kinds are slaughtered by land, sea, and air.

Tribal rituals such as "Earth impregnation" and cannibalism are also examined.

The naked hippies are a hoot with their free-loving animal husbandry and drug-addled protest. We're treated to these fuzzy folks as they breastfeed lambs and give a whole new meaning to "outside restroom".

"Documentaries" like this hold a strange fascination for a certain audience. Pretty much for the same reason that we've historically gawked at accidents or carnival freak shows.

If you enjoy shock films from yesteryear, then you'll probably love this one...
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