Odd in many ways ...and creepy in one
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode is creepy start to finish. Laura practically throwing herself at this new neighbour, Arthur Stanwick; even inviting him to dinner after knowing him only a few minutes. Trying to convince Sally to be a blind dinner date Rob fairly rushes at her in the office next morning; even reaching to grab her hand just to ask how she feels about the suburbs.

Then Arthur, practically sitting on blind date Donna's lap, even hugging her because she also doesn't like movie subtitles.

Rose Marie's Jimmy Durante impression is cringe worthy and goes on too long.

But the topper is the almost whimsical manner Arthur confesses how he tends to hit the people he loves.

Some good moments but odd in many ways making you glad you weren't invite to either of the two dinners.
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