The House of Ho (2020–2022)
if it is script, you should have a better writer and a better fashion consultant
3 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This will be a constructive review as much as I am disappointed on the first 7 series I do want to see the next season on the HO. I was really excited to watch this reality series for a number of reason. 1) I am Vietnamese 2) so glad to see more Asian on the big screen 3) My girlfriend Rosalina Lydster is 1 of the producer. I wanted to support our Vietnamese and Asian community. I wanted to see the dynamic in a Vietnamese American household portrayed by real Vietnamese. I enjoyed watching House Wife on TV because they take me on different locations. Traveling. I would love to see the family do more travel. I also watch it for fashion. The HO's ladies do not have any fashion sense. I thought with my girlfriend Rosalina Lydster involved I would see a lot more style form LA/New York, I found out that she wasn't that involved in the fashion....this is too bad. You need to bring her back. This has to change. I would not wear anything that the ladies were wearing on the show. Their hair so out...Need to get my friend William Soriano who owns WSalon here in the Bay Area on this show and really educate and give them all a make over. 3 people that I would love to see more of are the mom, the youngest son Reagan and the aunt Tina. They show passion, no non-sense, very real. We all wouldn't mind the mom only speak Vietnamese and it get translated, this will be more real....since many Vietnamese mom understand the language but will not completely speak it. Sister Judy, who is a lawyer wanted so much to be independent yet she live in the house that her dad bought for her. She wanted her dad to respect her by letting her making her own choices, yet dad only ask for the New Boyfriend to meet with him prior to the Bday and she won't do it. That's to me is un-acceptable. Wash sound so un-intelligent, he is trying to come across as cool but he is so un-cool. Speak to his wife like a jerk. If he is going to pretend like someone else watch some movies and learn a character and be that...since you are acting anyways. I also like the dad....he is firm and definitely portray a Vietnamese Dad. I would not change him...he should be himself but tougher on the kids. I didn't like the fact that he gave in and show up at the birthday party where his daughter Judy announce the engagement...this was a shock. Too soon...the plot need to be thicken so that people can look forward to 2nd we have nothing to look forward to. Wash, how can you go sober that quick? All Vietnamese man drink and are very productive....if you are going to quit, atleast show some struggle...for this is more real. Leslie need to quit her job. She is neglecting her kids and her husband. We can see that you are a need to accept that you can't do it all. Either quit your job for now and concentrate on the family and go back to it later. Relax and enjoy the richness that your husband family provide. Give your husband a little respect and tenderness....marriage is a partnership. Help him. I can see why The dad can't retired, no one show any sense of responsibilities....Let Reagan run take over the business may be he can make it successful. Anyways...I do want to see 2nd season because I do enjoy seeing Asian on TV. So do your homework, bring my girlfriend Rosalina Lydster back for fashion advice.
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