Uncle Frank (2020)
Good movie overall, some hickups at the end
5 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A good movie overall with a nice chemistry between the actors. Enjoyed it. Except the last 20 minutes or so. Felt a bit forced that Frank, a literature professor in NY, had a melodramatic crisis towards the end because his dad (still) didn't approve of him being gay at the moment of his death. It felt unrealistic that an intelligent man in his 40s would act in such a melodramatic way to the (perpetual) disapproval of his dad and because the death of his father sparked a memory of an event that took place in his youth. Also the scene where he falls down in his mother's lap with his head bent down is just akward. Again, why would a middle aged gay man having lived in liberal NY still want to seek the approval of his mom and/or dad?! Being drunk or not, it just felt bizarre. A Disney ending to an otherwise authentic story.
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