Star Trek: Enterprise: Storm Front, Part II (2004)
Season 4, Episode 2
Draws a line under the Temporal Cold War
24 November 2020
Archer and the Mafia conclude the Temporal Cold War against the Alien Nazis.

Again this is one of the most daft concepts in the Trek franchise and I really hope it was their way of having a laugh whilst wrapping up the story arc. It contains some amusing scenes, a good wartime newsreel and one epic line from Archer in response to Trip realising he is not dead, but the best thing about it is that they draw a line under the Temporal Cold War.

Nazis and Aliens v Enterprise and Mafia: That should say enough, without even mentioning the dodgy special effects, particularly the Nazi flag on the White House. Some of the acting is also quite ropey and the less said about the writing the better. When you know a story can only be the characters journey to the reset button you need some major entertainment to get you there. Unfortunately, this at best is moderately entertaining for me.

Most of the actors do their best with the material they have and there are some decent action sequences, but it's a bit uninspiring.
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