Fargo: Welcome to the Alternate Economy (2020)
Season 4, Episode 1
How can you review a series after watching one episode?
13 November 2020
I am mainly here to ask the above question of all the numbskulls here who have done just that. I admit that even I didn't wait for the whole season to finish, but at least I waited until I had episode 8 under my belt. What I can say is that it finally shows signs of getting interesting.

What I will do is agree with those who say Chris Rock was a poor choice for the lead character. I'm sorry, but he can't act.

For the rest, this is only a thin shadow of the first 3 seasons. Not for most of the reasons outlined here, after watching episode 1, maybe 2. In my book, the real problem is there is way too much drama, presumably added to get the approval of all those shallow watchers who think everything has to be saturated in drama, else it's a waste of time. The reality is, it's only the oddball characters, like the nurse and the OCD cop who manage to make it resemble Fargo at all. Why does this have to happen. Season 1 was right up there with Breaking Bad as among the best things I've ever seen on television, period. 2 and 3 were not quite up there, but were nearly as good. So, I suppose they couldn't keep it up forever. I hope this hasn't ruined it, and it becomes the last season. If they are lucky enough to be allowed to make another one, at the least they should go back to Minnesota, and maybe pick up some of its lost Fargoesque underpinnings. Maybe I'm missing something, and it will all make sense after it's finished, but I don't see how it can save itself now. I wouldn't normally even bother with this "review", but maybe Noah and the rest actually read these things, which they should, because, well, how else are you going to find out that your thread has become derailed?
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