The Boys: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
You had to do it, didn't you?
9 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Let's make America safe again".

Could you be any more obvious? That, along with the suspicion of immigrant references, and the indoctrination-fuelled shooting made this episode a left-wing wet dream. There goes another brilliant show, lost to political propaganda. I'm seriously sick of repeating myself here, but stop shoving your political agenda down our throats at every opportunity, Hollywood! I work in an office all day, at which I have to listen to political conversations. I turn on the radio in my car and I get politics thrown at me. The reason why I stopped watching TV was because it constantly bombarded me with politics. I hate politics! Do you know why I hate it? Because it divides people. The Boys, up until this episode, had avoided real world politics, and it was all the better show for doing so. Now, though, yet another means of escapism has been closed off to me. Thanks very much.

P.S. Hollywoke need to learn that they're alienating huge swaths of society with this constant "message". They're pandering to a very small but very loud minority, and it'll cost them. It already is.

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