The Maze (2010)
Fine low budget horror movie.
17 September 2020
This movie is a good low budget B horror movie! If that's all you needed to know then don't mind my ranting below.

I don't know why people who either don't know horror or have a stick up their bum bother leaving negative reviews. I guess being unhappy in life means you must take it out on others.

Now as for the movie, it's a low budget B movie, not a blockbuster huge budget movie so direct your expectations accordingly. I have watched a bunch of B horror movies and the good ones are few and far between. This movie is is a good one. The cast is decent. The camera's are decent. The audio is above average for B horror. The use of songs without lyrics to cut cost was genius. It added to the slower parts without being to aggressive. All around a hit in the B horror franchise.
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