The Turning (2020)
So Much Potential..Unsatisfying Ending
3 August 2020
This movie is not as bad as people are saying it is. Today's film- going audience, by and large, wants to think very little and interpret even less so the poor reviews do not surprise me. I also suspect that very few of these amateur movie reviewers have any idea that this is supposed to be a modern version of an 1898 ghost story written by Henry James. The acting in this movie is quite good, the costumes, set and cinematography are all top notch. But the pacing gets a bit botched as the film progresses and the ending is far too abrupt. I get the feeling that the director chose from one of two possible endings and chose the wrong one. Unfortunately, this ruined an otherwise interesting movie. Read the story first and then watch this movie if it happens to be on television one night. But I would not recommend paying for it.
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