I would give this an 11 but the dial doesn't go that high.
29 June 2020
This movie popped out at me on Amazon Prime. The title elicited a chuckle and the rolling narration, starting with Chapter 3 a la Star Wars, got me laughing. The movie hilariously parodies all of the characters of the Flash Gordon serials of the 1930s. Each time I thought I could stop laughing and catch my breath, something else started my up again. Spaceships that look like they were made out of Tinker Toys. Characters talking like Harvey Korman. Scientific holes that you can drive a truck through. Two scientists back on Earth named Dr Middleton and Dr Crabbe. I wonder if anybody else caught that. In the Flash Gordon serials Charles Middleton portrayed Emperor Ming, the Merciless, of the Planet Mongol and, of course, Buster Crabbe was Flash Gordon.

If you're a fan of Plan 9 From Outer Space and the like, you're gonna love this one.
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