Poor crime comic book graphic novel adaption
6 June 2020
Set in a future where the government are going to go live with a "signal" to prevent people committing crime in a seriously crime-ridden future, a trio of career criminals seek to carry out the ultimate heist under the shadow of the "last days of American crime".

The original comic Source material had a gritty visual style which has been lost along with its crime noir style to a tonally inconsistent and generically sterile product. Another issue are the three main leads: ; none of whom resemble any of their original incarnations. Putting aside those of us who might know what it's based on, Edgar Ramirez just looks glazed in boredom; Michael Pitt chews up scenery as an OTT spoilt son-of-crimelord-with-daddy-issues & Anna Brewster's femme fatale is sadly lacking any real sexual charisma which is needed for the part. Oliver Megatons direction is also far from enticing, which given some of his mediocre previous Efforts like Taken 2 & 3 and Transporter is hardly surprising. To add to the various issues, Sharlto Copley pops up every now and again as a dumb cop who would appear to have some intrinsic part to play in all this, but even his involvement left me thinking why did they have him in it at all? The big heist finale is also botched with little build up in tension or excitement - a crime which seems fairly easy to carry out and unbelievably executed. I quite like some of Netflix movie production output, but they have more than their fair share of crap product and sadly this is one of the latter.
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