3 April 2020
I have been following Scarlett Johansson since she first appeared on the scene. Though she was a little robotic at first, it wasn't long before she got the hang of it. I became convinced that there couldn't be a truly bad movie as long as she was in it. This one came very close to proving me wrong. I suspect she might have done it in some spare time between real movies just to pick up some pocket change. I can't think of any other reason why she would agree to participate in this mess. Ok, I am at a little disadvantage here; I am not a fan of movies made from comic books. I think a film should present some form of intellectual challenge, else it tends to be a waste of time. Nor did I see the original, but I see from the reviews here that it wasn't really necessary. Maybe I'm just too old for this sort of thing. No... It really is crap.
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