What a wonderful world... not
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah, this movie is supposed to be inspirational. You can lose weight. You can run a marathon. What you can't do is truly change who you are in your core and despite her accomplishments, Brittany winds up showing just how mean and selfish she is. She is a classic narcissistic taker, who sucks the energy and good will out of other people. Towards the end of the film she has a moment of clarity into just how poorly she treats others and actually acts like she gives a crap about other people, but that brief moment doesn't make up for the rest of her life. The last scene of the film gives a super quick glimpse of how reality sets back in and she goes back to being her true self just before the credits roll. All this movie did was make me hate this fictional character and it made me wish she had actually failed to finish the marathon, because karma is a b****, just like Brittany.
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