Do the creators of Sunny realize
21 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
How bad the show has become, or are they oblivious?

This stuff is terrible.

If season 12,13, or 14 were the first seasons, I never would have become a rabid fan.

I would have been upset for Sunnt to end at season 10 or 11...but these last seasons have been unwatchable. I've watched the other seasons at least 10 times. These last few seasons.... I have no desire to watch again.

They don't make me laugh. The 22 minutes feels like an eternity.

Oh well..maybe the season finale will be somewhat ok?

-- Edit reply.

Ha! 0 of 29 found this helpful...and the other reviews giving this episode 10 out of 10 vs my 5.

Never mind my rating.

4 people gave this episode a 10 out of 10?!

10 out of 10 meaning....this episode was perfect? The best? This was as good as any other its always episode that was absolutely amazing?

This is as good as franks pretty woman...the gang tries to win an award...the gang buys a boat...Charlie rules the world? This episode belongs in the upper echelons of its always sunny for writing, execution, laughs, pacing etc etc?

If you call everything a 10 out of 10, then how would you distinguish between 10 outbof 10s?

"That's hilarious"..."That's amazing" -Louis CK.

Which of these damn near perfect episodes is better than the other?! I just never realized how willy nilly 10s are given to mediocre and poor episodes.


I love all my children equally (I don't care for Job).

There are no losers.

You're a loser Bobby.

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