The Score (2001)
2 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok I am giving this a FULL 10 WHY BECAUSE it was Directed bye the MAIN MUPPET MAN HIMSELT "YODA" LOL. AND MAIN OTHER IF THE "MUPPETS". Also Edward Norton was TOTALLY AWESOME in this Film for him to Switch Characters over and over again that is pretty Hard to DO. Specially being with HOLLYWOODS BIGGEST STARS. HE WAS UP BESIDE TWO OF THE BEST. Robert and his MASTER Boss himself. The one that Hired them Both to Do the "CRIME". In my OPTION I think Edward Norton Stold that FILM. He was so good in that MOVIE. Until the End when he thought he was so SMART AND GETS MESSED OVER BYE ROBERT HIMSELF. THIS WAS A GREAT FILM. To be Directed by a MUPPETS MASTER MAKES IT SO MUCH BETTER.
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