Could've been significantly better
10 October 2019
I think this film made a lot of mistakes and feels like the creators behind it didn't know how to handle 2 of the most famous slasher killers. I feel like almost all of the mistakes come from behind the camera but there are many mistakes arguably ruining what the film could've been. There have been plenty of other reviewers who have provided the synopsis so instead I'll go over what the movie succeeds and fails at. First this film has an amazing opening and the credits, for that time were well done. Next, no spoilers but i really enjoyed the ending and it left it open ended enough for a sequel, which sadly never came. I liked a lot of the kills and the gore was well done, there are a few kills that are lame though and I wish they could've been more creative with these two famous slashers being in the same film. I also feel like the atmosphere is well set up and I enjoyed the dream sequences. Next i want to get into what this film fails at, its hard to avoid spoilers so this is a half warning where i go over not spoilers per se but things you might want to see for yourself. First the tone is really weird and I wasn't the biggest fan. Next i hated how they replaced Kane Hodder with the guy who he killed in the 8th film as the actor aka a WWE star. I also was sad with the lack of kills Freddy had, he felt really weak and underwhelming in this film. I also disliked the CGI in this film outside of the credits since the CGI was bad even for back then. My other complaint is child Jason and how he's scared of water, literally one of the biggest detractors and completely out of character. Finally the actors suck in this one, the worst of the series, except Robert Englund who always does a great job. Overall I'd recommend it if you're a fan of either series or a completionist, just know nothing special here.
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