Doctor Who: The Tsuranga Conundrum (2018)
Season 11, Episode 5
Why such negativity?! I thought this was such a fab episode!
5 November 2018
This is my first time reviewing on here but I feel I need to have my say! Are the people watching this episode really Doctor Who fans?! I thought it was fantastic, the writing was great, the cast were fantastic and worked so well together. This is the first episode I've watched this season that felt so Doctor Who, don't get me wrong I've really enjoyed the others but this one was so much fun! To all the people saying they won't be watching anymore, good riddance! If you are willing to give up on a show just because you don't like one episode then you clearly weren't a fan to begin with! To say this doesn't feel like Doctor Who anymore is ridiculous, has anyone giving negative reviews actually watched Classic Who?! They are all comparing it to New Who cause in their minds that's all that exists! Go back and watch some classic episodes, yes some of them are cheesy but they are so much fun! This made me think of classic Who and that's worth 10/10 in my books, well done to all involved in this episode, bring on the rest of the series!
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