Chicago Fire: The Grand Gesture (2018)
Season 6, Episode 23
Gabby: The actions and mentality of a crack head.
11 May 2018
I am a faithful follower of Chicago Fire...I even binge watch previous seasons over and over again. I have given several User Reviews positively endorsing this series. My least favorite character is Gabby Dawson. Picture someone addicted to crack doing everything possible to get that next hit to the detriment of relationships, character and integrity. Totally self centered with a constant soap opera drama of every single thing in life; the consummate victim; "If only the world understood me." The "do-what-I-want-when-I-want" mentality. Matt can do soooo much better than this and I feel for him dearly. And I have commented on this since season 1. This last episode is the epitome of Gabby's self-centered life and it irritates the hell out of me. Otherwise, I thoroughly enjoy Chicago Fire and I will continue to be a die-hard fan. I started watching Station 19 and two things stand out which I wish Chicago Fire would adopt: 1. Quiet down the sirens on the run; 2. Show a little more procedural accuracy on the calls. Both of these Station 19 does well.
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