Review of Arsenal

Arsenal (2017)
Dear Nicolas Cage...
29 March 2018
Why? I understand this desire to do low budget independent films with the hope that perhaps, just perhaps, it will be the next pulp fiction - not that this low level script would lead anyone to that conclusion. Yet, there you are, accepting that horrible make-up and rediculous costume. And you didn't walk off the set. You took the inept direction of Steven C. Miller, and just went along with it. Why? Why would a talented actor agree to participate in such nonsense. The other actors all had reasonable characters, with ressonsble accents, and then there was you, Nicolas cage with a rubber nose, waning accent, rediculous wardrobe and hair.

I'm sorry, it just begs the question, Why? Did Bernie Madoff take all of your money? Are you now addicted to drugs? Is it just plain greed? I need to understand why. How did they convince you to stay once you witnessed the truth?

Please help us all understand.
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