Court Martial: Taps for the Sergeant (1966)
Season 1, Episode 2
Grave Decision
29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Given the job of defending Sgt. Joe Rios, Lee Montague,who in a fit of drunken rage, after downing some half dozen shots of 86% Yukon Jack whiskey, belted his company commander Lt. Jeffery Ames, George Roublcek, Maj.Frank Whittker, Peter Graves, tries to have Rios plead guilty and throw himself on the mercy of court in order to keep himself from getting shot for insubordination. Rios feels that what he did to Ames was a lot less harmful then what Ames did to his men of whom 12 ended up getting killed by the Germans when their only way of escape,the bridge, was blown up on Ames orders thus not giving them the chance to cross it.

It's just then that the German troops, some disguised as US GI's, open up an offensive on the GI's together with Sgt. Rios and Maj. Whittker trapping them in the wine basement of the house that their hiding in. It's then that Rios a seasoned guerrilla fighter as well as explosive expert goes into action detonation the mines that the Germans planted in and around the besieged town that's to annihilate the US armored unit that's coming to the trapped GI's rescue. Working against the clock Sgt. Rios tries to disarm the German explosives only to end up getting blown to pieces but saving those, including Maj. Whittker, trapped in the wine basement.

****SPOILERS*** With the danger Now over in pops Let.Ames demanding that the late Sgt. Rios still be court martial-ed for his insubordination. It's then that an outraged Maj.Whittker lets Let. Ames have it in what a unfeeling and 1st class jerk he is. Not in him being responsible in letting 12 of Sgt. Rios' men get killed by having the bridge blown up preventing their escape from the German Army. But now not dropping the charges against Sgt. Rios who kept the Germans for ambushing the US Army unit out to save not only him but Maj. Whittker and fellow GI's trapped in the wine basement! In the end Sgt. Rios' French girlfriend Yvette, Molra Redmond, ended up getting the silver star that he earned and as for Let. Ames he ended up doing KP & motor pool duty for the remainder of war.
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