Review of Scream

Scream (1996)
Stupid. 'Clever, hip, and scary' my @$$
29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Great acting. Now for criticism: how many doors do the Beckers need for crying out loud? Why are they all glass and why so many windows? Haven't these people heard of curtains? A young girl would never leave every door unlocked when home alone and when she keeps talking to the caller, she goes around locking only random ones, every other. Not all. What's the point of that? It's when she's finally frantic that goes ahead and locks the rest, including the FRONT door! When she first locks the SIDE, we later learn that there are actually two side-by-side doors, only one of which she initially locks. And she doesn't have to keep answering his calls and talking to him when she's obviously annoyed and insecure before becoming frantic. This whole opening sequence is so completely unrealistic and stupid. When things are heating up half way through, the sheriff's talking to Dewey in front of the station. Dewey asks if there's any way that a cellular could've been cloned. The sheriff never answers that, just progresses to tomorrow being the anniversary of Mrs. Prescott's death. At the climax, Billy and Stu relish how they want their spree to end way too much and it's no wonder it backfires. This movie's definitely sub-par.
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