fodder for MST3000
29 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It is not worth watching. Poor quality acting, directing, writing, sets, sound, you name it, badly done. Said to have won lots of awards? Not sure why. I can see if it was made in the 70's, but with the technology available it is so very substandard. I know it was shot a few yrs. ago, but not 30 yrs. ago.

The kind of thing where there are lots of pauses in dialogue as though the actors are waiting for their cue or something. No even flow of dialogue.

Dialogue like, "I am not gonna discuss relationships with a gay person". Really? Prozac is called both a relaxant and an anti psychotic. That is from the character that is supposed to be a world renowned doctor.

They cure a zombie like character they capture feeding in a horde. A couple of days after injections, they show her full makeup, false eyelashes, boots that look like they have never been walked in, clothes from a store window. That shot apparently was a real miracle. Just sloppy. Sloppy.

I guess going on is needless. Just know it is very poorly done.
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