Cable Girls (2017–2020)
A bad choice in episode 1
2 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
VERY MINIMAL SPOILER for episode 1- I previously enjoyed very much a fantastic Spanish series: El Ministerio Del Tiempo, a very good show, so I decided to give a look to another Spanish series and I chose Las Chicas Del Cable, who had good reviews online. The beginning of episode 1 was gripping, revealing an interesting story, and to be sincere I was enjoying it until I arrived at the moment when... in some scenes turned in a night-club the characters dance at the sound of modern pop music of the XXI century!

The show started with a prologue strongly focused on how women were underestimated in the 20's but a few minutes later they dance pop music of the years 2000...what a bad choice. This fatal mistake completely spoiled the 1920's atmosphere and it was impossible for me to keep watching. It ruined everything, preventing any suspension of disbelief to work any more.
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