Power Rangers (2017)
Good job, and I am NOT a fan.
25 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was not a fan of the original series and only went to take my son to it. It was great. Like I said, not a fan, the series missed my demographic when it came out but I knew the gist of it. The movie gives some back story as to how the Rangers came to Earth and also to the individual characters which gave the movie some heft. The Rangers alter egos have personality instead of the squeaky clean drones on the TV show. Also, hits all the buttons-training sequence, bonding scenes, slow mo hero walk (I think we get two). Brian Cranston has a good, almost cameo, essentially a face on a wall thru' the movie. Violent fights but no blood and the characters stop just short of vulgar language, had no problem letting my son watch. Only two gripes that suspension of belief can handle- 1)a being come from another galaxy and her name is Rita Repulsive? 2)a Ranger fights Rita in a bedroom at night, and no parents run into the room?
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