The Incredible Hulk: The Antowuk Horror (1978)
Season 2, Episode 2
Urban Legend
8 March 2017
One might expect a big drop in quality after "Married", but this first regular-length episode of Season 2 is pretty darn good. It bears mention that it is the first episode of the series written by Nicholas Corea, who eventually wrote and directed "The Incredible Hulk Returns". Jack McGee, on the trail as ever, is approached by an aging big game hunter who he's associated with in the past. Seems he's a has-been and wants to get back in the papers by nailing the Hulk. This scene is a rare glimpse of some humanity in McGee, and it's all the more worthwhile because he actually gets a decent amount of screen time in this ep.

Rather curiously, the role of attractive female is taken by a preadolescent. Even her dialogue makes her sound like a typical love interest for David. This is explained by the fact that her mother is dead, and her father is a sad loser who is still taking out his grief over his wife's death on other people (his daughter and David), so she's matured before her time. Even so, it's a relief that David clearly does not return any romantic interest the girl may have in him.

I really like the premise of this episode, and though some points of the plot don't make sense, it basically delivers on that premise. It all ends on a perhaps unrealistic happy ending for everyone, but after "Married", that's a nice change of pace.
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