Wagner's Jews (2013)
Well-done, thoughtful documentary on a difficult topic
17 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Just a few notes on the review by Mike above. Herman Levi did not conduct the Ring. That was Hans Richter. Levi did indeed conduct most of the performances of Parsifal for the second Bayreuth Festival premiere of Parsifal in 1882. Wagner asked Levi to be baptized before he conducted Parsifal (as laden as it is with Christian symbolism.) Levi declined and Wagner really didn't seem to care.

Secondly, there is no evidence Hitler adopted Wagner's writings on Jewishness in Music. He loved Wagner's music and knew of Wagner's virulent anti-Semitism. He also loved Mozart and Beethoven. Wagner did not invent hatred of Jews. That distinction belongs to the early Christian church.

"Wagner's Jews" is a valuable addition to the discussions around the dark side of this brilliant composer. It sheds light on the issue, but you still must make up your own mind, and respect those who come to a different conclusion.
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