The Mary Tyler Moore Show: His Two Right Arms (1972)
Season 2, Episode 24
He's Still Howard Borden
6 February 2017
Bill Daly plays a clueless councilman who is scheduled to appear on Mary's public affairs show. While he is a big handsome guy, he knows nothing about his precinct or politics or much of anything. When asked about an ecology friendly way of getting rid of garbage he says that this ecology thing may be one of those things we'll regret later, like Vietnam. Because inner city kids have to use fire hydrants to keep cool in the summertime, the solution is to build more fire hydrants so the kids will have something to do. It was fun to see Isabel Sanford from "The Jeffersons" and, of course, Daly from "The Bob Newhart Show." I always thought the Howard Borden character was one of the best supporting roles of all time.
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