It's About Time: The Stowaway (1967)
Season 1, Episode 26
View this as Episode #19
3 February 2017
When watching the series in chronological order, this is the 19th episode produced. It was preempted by the Super Bowl, however, and simply placed at the end of the series- after the finale.

Stranded astronauts Mac (Frank Aletter) and Hector (Jack Mullaney) are having problems blasting off to break through the time barrier to the modern-day they know. They find it is added weight from a stowaway- Mlor (Mary Grace). She is very upset and they bring her back to her family who has been worried about her. Mlor tells the astronauts that she ran away because she didn't want to marry Brak (Edson Stroll, Virgil Edwards of "McHale's Navy"), son of Boss (Cliff Norton). Hector claims to be promised to be married to Mlor to save her from the marriage. Boss says the matter will be settled by a duel with clubs, the winner getting the rights to marry Mlor. Mac brings gravity pills to slip to Brak to make him react slowly in a fight. Gronk (Joe E. Ross) and Shad (Imogene Coca) end up taking them instead. Hector takes a different set of pills to make him speed his actions up. But, Boss starts the fight early.
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