One word: fantastic
20 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Since I found out about this movie in early 2016, I had been excited for it, and, after seeing this last night, I was right to be excited. The cast was great, and there were a lot of great characters in it, but the one that stole the show for me was Kowalski. He was always very funny and usually quite sarcastic. Eddie Redmayne was great as Newt Scamander, the future author of the Hogwarts textbook fantastic beasts and where to find them. Who, accidentally lets some of his beasts loose in New York, and has to track them down and put them back in his suitcase. Seems simple, right? Only no, it's a lot harder than Newt and the gang think, because because of things like zoo chases and having to journey throughout New York to do so, and a dark energy force called an obscurus, which can cause pure destruction and destroy anything that is in its path. So overall this film needs only one word to describe it: fantastic. Definitely a must see film. Your move rogue one.
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