Superb amazing must watch
18 October 2016
An adaptation of Jordan Belfort's memoir chronicling his rise and fall on Wall Street and his hard-partying, addiction-fueled personal life. Every time you watch Leo movie, more and more your love for his movie increases. Amazing acting, beautifully scripted and anchored with superb dialogues. Some people will inevitably be so put off by the harsh composition of the message that they fail to heed the importance of that message; but in presenting so much of the bad and the ugly behind Wall Street so unflinchingly, Scorsese has crafted an insightful and important deconstruction of post-millennial America's moral erosion. This is one of the best films of 2013, the acting, the directing was superb with out no words. Martin Scorsese is the best director out they just all of he's movies are one of the best and his other movies never let me down well my by gang's of new York. This movie is three hours and it feels like 1 hour because the movie goes by so fast. Every movie of Leo that we watch, we hope that he gets an Oscar for it but trust me he really deserves for this role.
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