Game of Thrones: The Broken Man (2016)
Season 6, Episode 7
An excellent episode that translates from the series is: a clash of power.
6 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Bryan Cogman brings us once again a great driving the narrative in an episode that takes on all plots. In King's Landing Margaery throwing aside any doubt that the viewer had about their intentions (showing that yes, she never forgot the motto of your home and the lessons about politics that his grandmother gave him). In the North, the series shows how much has been accelerating the time to show Jon and Sansa three fairly distant locations in a beautiful sequence of scenes (with great emphasis on Lyanna Mormont). In the Riverlands, especially photography and beautiful CGI Riverrun. Arya coming up with an outfit and hairstyle that she never used only demonstrate that there is much more in your frame of what we are seeing. And of course the icing on the cake: Sandor, welcome! With a beautiful photo and outstanding performance of Ian McShane, the series makes clear that Clegane still have a big role to play (which is even more evident when, for the fourth time in more than 50 episodes, the series puts a scene before the opening). Too bad most of the fandom of the series is only interested in dragons and swords, and calls for a focused filler episode in game dialogues and character development.
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