Pretty funny
11 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
"Nespresso... What Else?" is a little short film that is actually a coffee television commercial. It runs for under a minute and features director Michel Gondry and actor George Clooney around the time they won their (first) Academy Awards. Clooney enters a restaurant and hears two women mention several positive attributes. When he is uncertain if they talk about him or the coffee, he just asks them. Clooney usual suave works very well with the (not necessarily unlikeable) arrogance in here. My favorite moment, however, was when they say "rich, very rich" and we see him watch the camera and confirm. Had a touch of cockiness, but it was funny I can't deny. Good little short film and a must-watch for my fellow George Clooney fans. The women are not entirely unknown either, have played in a couple movies as well. Thumbs up for this one here. I recommend it.
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