Blue Bloods: Burning Bridges (2014)
Season 5, Episode 3
Religious connotations within storyline
17 September 2015
The storyline was going along pretty well until the sit down with Frank Reagan and the Cardinell. What is hard to grasp is the kissing of ones ring by another human being , especially a man in his station in life. It is repulsive to see a grown man kiss the ring of another man , in his religious garb, as if the one receiving the gesture is considered better than the other . I keep finding the religious aspects in this show a bit unnerving as it seems to flaunt it every week but in this particular episode to see one man literally bowing to another is unacceptable ....Is the show catering to ones religion by outlining ones faults ? Time to delete the religious aspect on this show and leave it in its respective place..elsewhere
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