V/H/S (2012)
Less is more.
3 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Found footage is a hit or miss for me, though I definitely prefer my found footage to be more exciting like the movie Cloverfield rather than a horror story like The Blair Witch Project which I found to be more boring.

However this movie hits it pretty good. Its different, like no other movie I have ever come across and that's what immediately grabbed my attention. While it isn't really scary I don't think that makes it any less good. I mean what movies are scary anymore? The Conjuring? Insidious? Saw? I don't think so, to me they're all just recycled movies that might creep me out to a minor extent at best but V/H/S/ at least brings you something new to the table. This movie isn't perfect, as you can see I rate it 7 out of 10. A rating I also gave Insidious but I definitely prefer this movie over insidious. I also rather liked that it was a collaboration of shorts, which is weird because I never liked things like Tales Of The Dark side in the past. Unlike that, these shorts were great, Creative, executed well. Other than the arguably sub par acting in the Glitchman short the rest of the acting was brilliant and for exactly the type of movie it was. The only short I wasn't all there for was The Second Honeymoon but that's only personal preference, I've always been unmoved and bored by killer movies and preferred supernatural horror being that its so mysterious and uncontrollable. You may feel differently and like Second Honeymoon.

All and all, definitely creative and worth a watch for most. Don't be discouraged over its lower rating. Apparently there was a lot of buzz about this film prior to its take off in popularity which I think caused too many people to set too high of expectations. Many criticize that it doesn't have a plot. This isn't true, it has a plot. A very small plot, like a set up plot really, leaving so much mystery in its wake and I think that's a strongpoint. It leads a little more into it with V/H/S/ 2 but still keeps that mystery strong leaving more to your imagination which is refreshing because isn't it our own imaginations that terrify us the most.

In a genre that hasn't given us anything memorable in the past 5 years or so I think V/H/S/ while not perfect, is the best we have gotten in awhile and I also would definitely recommend V/H/S/ 2, which I believe to be even better. Skip out on V/H/S/ Viral though, the 3rd installment, that movie is what happens when a low budget title gains popularity and begins trying too hard. Ironically it has more of a plot than the first two, less is more.
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