Cheers, mate!
2 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Someone noted (elsewhere) that the theme song is a bit of a stinker within the realm o'guilty pleasure-genre'. I agree, but especially the fact that it keeps coming back over and over and again, does not help in any way, shape or form.

Back to LSD (Lady Stay Dead, that is): the 'protagonizing' psycho is not half bad: nice, cooperative, clean, and of course a total whack job when the (fragile female) situation calls for it. The 'story' spirals down rather quickly (and, in a way, surprisingly), and the tension is built up pretty nicely from time to time, as well, even if tempo is lacking just as much. And, unfortunately, really good exploitation scenes are sparse, but what the hey - decent exploitation scenes are good enough.

Other than that, some decent acting (nothing to write home about), but the nice settings and the fine camera-work make up a lot. O, and some tasteful tasteless nudity is in here, as well.

At least a good 6 out of 10 from yours truly.
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