Kinda disappointed
8 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Season 5 was, to say the least, a bit of a disappointment. The plots were just so disconnected and started to get unrealistic. There were a lot of holes, like "I haven't seen this character in two weeks- where have they been?" or "Everyone is here- who's watching Liam?" The Ian/ Mickey arc was inconsistent and poorly portrayed. Debbie and Fiona were OOC the majority of the time, basically whole new characters. Frank was irrelevant honestly. Fiona would go and do her own thing and not see the kids for days on end. They didn't even know she was married! In season 2 if Debbie had a boyfriend the family would've been like WOW I want to meet him! But now nobody cares. They're hardly a family anymore. I feel like the writers were so intent on coming up with new plots that they didn't focus on any of them- quantity over quality. I seriously hope they bring back the writing from seasons 1-4 for season 6.
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